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Item #36966
2-Din In-Dash Receiver CD-MP3-USB-with an amplifier MOS-FET, control iPod / iPhone connectivity and steering wheel controls with Bluetooth 

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Product Reviews For JVC KW-R910BT

  • I purchased the unit and had it installed. After about a week of driving around town and getting the full impression of it. I gotta say, I have not for a minute had a problem with it. I was never impressed with the touch-screen units,, after seeing about a dozen getting replaced because the screen is the best at a moments notice.. hand-hold. My friend had one and while we were driving to the store. He decided to listen to a cd. The screen dropped and when he tried to slide the cd in we cruised over a mild dip in the road. Losing his balance while sliding in the cd he reached out to balance himself. The screen was knocked away from radio. For the rest of the excursion, we acted as if the music was more of a distraction. I got the KW-R910BT and have yet to get bored of it. It's able to grab my attention cause of the way its color changes. What's kind of a benefit is other people driving by can see those flashes of color and for some reason they consider it an upmost of importance to let you know. My giggles would stop when I notice the driver is a gorgeous example.(sp??)

    James Zurobski
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