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Kenwood KFC-1665S

Item #37158
6-1/2" 300W Max Power 2-Way Sport Series Coaxial Speakers

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Product Reviews For Kenwood KFC-1665S

  • Pros: cone design is good, supplied grille is very high quality, and the upper range from high midbass is extremely clear with excellent soundstaging. Cons: extremely weak bass response-I purchased a set of 4 for my 98 Tahoe to replace door speakers, along with my Sony head unit. Needed to replace the factory speakers due to age. Tried these speakers with my Delco unit first, just to test the wiring, and was surprised to find these things clipping badly on even the most moderate of sound levels. Power rating is a joke. Installed my Sony head unit-without external amp-and these have never failed to dissatisfy. Weak, thin bass, constant popping and clipping. Had to pull the bass levels to minus 4 just to make them tolerable for midrange units. Thank goodness for a Blaupunkt sub amp and pair of Kickers to pull up the bottom end, but I hate crossing them so high to compensate. May regift them to my boat...

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