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Massive Audio SUMMO 64

Item #39024
SUMMO Series 6 inch 300 Watts Power with 4 Ohm Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For Massive Audio SUMMO 64

  • Shipping was great. Price is awesome. I have 4 already installed in my truck. Can't wait to have all 6 in there!

    Gerardo Leyva

  • These subs are exactly what I was looking for. I hade 2 10s in a huge ported box but I wanted to downsize and save some space in my hatchback and still have some good bass. I bought 3 of these and I tried a ported box and built it bigger than the specs required. I was less than impressed with that so I tried a sealed box built to specs exactly and it was better but I still felt like they could do more so I tried the ported box again but this time gave each sub their own chamber at about 0.47 cuft per sub with a 1 1/2 inch diameter x 8 inch long port in each and holy cow they came alive. My wife said I was shaking the whole house when I was in the driveway. These easily pound as hard as the 2 10s I had and even handle the low bass with ease. The 35hz-50hz range was very impressive for the size. They seem a little power hungry so I'm wondering if the power handling per specs is under rated. So if you want good bass and are limited on space these things will/can get the job done, just power them good, build the box exactly per specs and give them some break in time. Also, the price Online Car Stereo had these were about $30-$40 cheaper per sub than other online dealers.

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