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Item #40410
2500W 12" Dual 2-ohm Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For SPL GLW-12

  • Alright well, I was very skeptical of this sub due to the fact that I've never seen or heard anything about the brand. And I'll tell you that I was blown away from these subwoofers. I've owned kicker comps cvrs Memphis pr fosgate hx2 and and currently running alpine type s'. These subs hit way harder than any of those by leaps and bounds. I've run them on the r500 and the r1200 and they didn't disappoint on either one. They get stupid loud at 2 ohms getting "800" RMS from the prime 1200. All and all if you're interested in getting the best bang for your buck this is the most impressive sub I've come across. Make sure you have a thick box though, they lifted themselves out my 3/4 box on the r500 while using all the screws available.


  • This is one bad ass sub I have 1200 watts rms pushing it and I have in a sealed 1.50 cu ft box. This thing really beats hard. They need to put in back on the shelf for sale again

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