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Soundstream VRN-65HXB

Item #47921
2-DIN 6.2” Touchscreen DVD, CD/MP3, AM/FM Receiver with GPS Navigation, Android PhoneLink & SiriusXM Ready

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Product Reviews For Soundstream VRN-65HXB

  • Features were nice, NAVI SUCKED. Had problems with this since day one and wouldn't recommend this even AFTER THE MAPS UPGRADE, good idea but bad execution. Not sure if I'd gottin a dud but I'd pass on this unit.


  • Good sound, nice display, but just having some issues with the microphone which is a great deal for me.


  • Functional replacement for my very old sound system but nothing to expect much as we know that it's a budget priced unit. Maybe go for much better receivers if you can spend more.

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