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Infinity Kappa 1200W

Item #48270
Kappa Series 12" 500W RMS (2000W Peak Power Handling) Single Voice Coil 2 Ohm or 4 Ohm Switch Selectable Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For Infinity Kappa 1200W

  • I am a car stereo junkie, in 1990 I got my first job as a installer at a shop in Santa Clarita, CA. I have since grown my knowledge and personal collection. I am a huge Infinity guy, from the time I bought my first two sets of 6.5" kappa perfect components to the amps and subs. I bought my first kappa sub last year, I went with the kappa 12" 500w RMS 2000w max. I already had 2 10" eclipse subs running off of Eclipse EA1000, when I added the 12" Kappa sub and ran it off another Eclipse EA1000. I couldn't believe how the Kappa complimented the overall sound quality. It sounded so clean and crisp. I love the whole Kappa line and I am currently designing a new system for my Ranger. Unfortunately the Kappa sub I purchased stopped working a few months after the initial purchase. I'm not sure what happened to it, it didn't smell burnt or fried, and there was no visible physical damage to anything, I was so sad. I am planning on putting in 2 -Kappa 12" and 2- Kappa 10" subs in the extra cab with 2 sets of Kappa Perfect components and a 4" set of Kappa in the dash. I am trying to find another Kappa 255a to run the mids and highs and I would love to get 2- Kappa 202a's to run my 12" and 10" subs. I also previously owned a Kappa 255a and loved the quality that it consistently put out. So by the end of the year I should have my system back up and running. I Love the whole Infinity line and I will continue to be a loyal customer for years to come. Thank You keep up the Magnificent work......Ciao

    James Velarde
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