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Alpine UTE-73BT

Item #51117
1-DIN Digital Media Receiver Mech-Less Bluetooth with AM/FM tuner

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Product Reviews For Alpine UTE-73BT

  • The UTE-73BT is one of Alpine’s staple single DIN best sellers. For audiophiles who are not into big screens, the UTE-73BT is still up to par with the latest trends in music playing. It gives you full control of your music via bluetooth thru your favorite streaming apps or via Pandora straight from your stereo. Wether you’re an Iphone or Android user, you’ll definitely love playing your song on the UTE-73BT.


  • Alpine UTE-73BT Is a great unit have it in a few cars can’t go wrong with Alpine

    Amado Vargas

  • This is a great unit with built with quality and a surplus of features. As always shopping and shipping from Online Car Stereo was top notch.

    Matthew Ritz

  • This unit is truly awesome! The installation was straightforward, and it unquestionably enhanced the sound quality compared to my original head unit and if you don't really need to play your CDs then this might be a great option for you.

    Niko Moore

  • cool looking stereo. sounds great too, which is highly expected from Alpine.

    Joe Martinez

  • Function buttons didn't work on the first one they sent. Returned it....... waiting to hear back from them


  • Great fit on my Chevy pickup. A head unit with basic features what I like is its sound quality. My stock speakers now sound way better, but I'm still thinking of pairing it with Alpine speakers.


  • It has its ups and downs but after having it for 3 years it just doesn't do it i have 2 amps connected to it one for 4 channel and 1 for 2 channel, after the 1st year it started randomly turning off on its own and the speaker options for highs and lows dont do much

    Andreas r
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