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Crunch PZ-1520.2

Item #51339
Powerzone Series 1500 Watts Class-A/B 2 ohm Stable 2-Channel Car Amplifier

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Product Reviews For Crunch PZ-1520.2

  • I got it on a cheap. got my attention as it was advertised as a budget 1500watt amp. tried on my pair of 10" subs. They sounded better. planning to keep this one and upgrade my speakers


  • Amp's good. Sound's cool, maybe needs a bit more boom, but it thumps! Been using a pair of 12 inch subs on my truck and no issues with noise. Doesn't get too hot easily too.


  • Powerful for a class A/B amp. Its got nice features too like high and low pass filters, and it also has a bass boost which is highly impressive for less than 70 bucks. Will recommend it to anyone who are on a tight budget but is looking for a quality amplifier.


  • Connected my sub in a bridged mode and its sounding really great. The bass boost helps significantly on the lows, and its noticeable as I was used to listening to my old sub amp for four years.


  • A good sub amp to have if your budget is limited. Bass boost is a huge help if you are using it for a sub like me. Good features for the price.

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