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Alpine R-A75M

Item #52834
R-Series 750W x 1 RMS @2Ohms Class D Mono Subwoofer Amplifier

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Product Reviews For Alpine R-A75M

  • Awesome amplifier. I upgraded from the Alpine MRV entry level amplifiers. I hear a faster and more accurate bass. Very punchy, too. I'm very pleased.


  • Great amp, perfectly matched and highly recommended when paired with the type R 12" inch sub.


  • What I have learned from all the years of experience with car audio is that always go for the best brands, such as Alpine. That's why for my subwoofer, I decided to go with this amplifier, and I didn't regret a single bit of my decision. Such nice lows, and loud. Easy to install too


  • Hooked up the 12-inch JL sub with the amp and the sound’s so wonderful. Love the controls that comes with the amp. They’re spot on, especially with subsonic and low pass filters. They make tuning easier.


  • Highly recommended! Crazy power for a much lower price. Really good stuff from Alpine. Perfect amplifier for powerful subs that needs a lot of pushing from the amp. Mine runs cool even after long hours of cranking it up, so thermal won’t be an issue with it.

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