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Kicker 46HS10

Item #55763
Hideaway Series 10" 180W RMS Compact Powered Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For Kicker 46HS10

  • Love my Kicker. Just enough bass to complete my new car

    Kevin Barre

  • Wanted a little more to factory radio This is the answer, just enough to make a factory system better

    Chris Johnson

  • A true hideaway amp as its very easy to fit in tighter spaces. Love the lows coming from the sub. This may be my first time having a sub in my audio setup but its really better. I can feel the punch thats hitting in my chest. Real nice


  • I love everything about this amp. For a guy with no idea how to setup an audio system like me, this sub made things much easier.

    K. Williams

  • If you’re looking to fill in some of that missing base notes in most factory systems, this will do the job. You won’t shake the block and will be wanting more if you enjoy more bass heavy music. Easy to install, decent performance.

    Chris Bernal
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