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Pioneer DMH-WT8600NEX

Item #55774
1-DIN 10.1" Multimedia Digital Media Receiver with Amazon Alexa, Android Auto™, Apple CarPlay®, Bluetooth®

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Product Reviews For Pioneer DMH-WT8600NEX

  • I have tried other expensive and said to be top-notch receivers many times, but I think this one might the best of them all. Its just that it offers the best sound quality and is very easy to use, not to mention that it has a massive screen so it gives me a better viewing exp.


  • This head unit is fire! The sound is killer, tons of options to mess with, and the touchscreen is responding fast. Wireless Apple CarPlay is a game-changer. I'm upgrading from my old unit after 10 years, so there's a bit of a learning curve, but I'm loving the upgrade.


  • Its 10.1-inch display is really a game changer. It got the biggest screen that Ive ever got for an aftermarket stereo and I’m really enjoying it. It got lots of nice features, and it even supports Alexa for voice control. As an owner of both Android and iPhone, I really don’t have any complaints connecting my phone to the receiver.


  • This radio is one of the best sounding and easy using radios i have ever had the pleasure of purchasing. It has some of the best features like wireless Android auto also it has wifi capabilities and GPS, Back up camera. Which is one of favorite features. It's fast at responding to touch and connecting to Bluetooth and other devices.

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