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Pioneer DEH-S5200BT

Item #55847
1-DIN In-dash Audio CD Receiver with Amazon Alexa, Pioneer Smart Sync App, Bluetooth®, Android™, iPhone®

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Product Reviews For Pioneer DEH-S5200BT

  • I’ve had this receiver for a couple of months now, it was my first time trying a Pioneer receiver. It has USB, AUX, Bluetooth AND a CD receiver? Score! I know people now are more into touchscreen and app-loaded multimedia receivers, but I am holding to analog things and I still love playing my CDs, so this receiver is perfect for me.


  • I had to upgrade from my older Pioneer model on my Silverado and luckily it utilized the same harness which made the installation a breeze. The Bluetooth connection to my iPhone was seamless and quick, and it also boasts a multitude of fantastic features including the EQ.


  • Love mine. Still playing with all the cool features. Super customizable and versatile as hell with superb superb quality and sound options. I’m an analog person but this deck takes digital music to new heights and allows you to adjust for compressed and non compressed files. I paired them with JBL GTO 629 and they are blowing my mind!!!! I drive an old golden era ‘90 Honda and I love the new tech installed bringing this lovely classic car into the 21 century. Get a good installer if you want it to look clean.

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