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Infinity Reference 6001A

Item #56348
Reference Series 600W x 1 RMS @2Ohms Class D Mono Block Car Amplifier

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Product Reviews For Infinity Reference 6001A

  • Great amp. It is a simple amp, meaning it does not have the clipping feature that some of the other amps out there have, but also not has expensive either. Connected this amp with two JL WO 12 4 ohm in parallel, which gives the amp a load of 2 ohms. amp does a great job. only complaint, the remote bass control module seems to be more like an on off switch. Seems as soon as the knob is turned up the slightest the amp is at the full set gain. The knob is a one turn pot and should have a linear increase in the gain as the pot is turned from min to max. I have a Rockford amps that works linear and I feel safer with that I can turn the gain down remotely if a song comes on that has massive bass to help protect from harming subs. For that reason only is why i gave sound a 7 star, if it was linear control it would have gotten a 10. i searched the owners manual for a costumer service number and unable to find a US number. Not sure if the remote pot is faulty or what the remote controls inside the amp is faulty. I can buy another remote that connects to rca cables and controls the signal before it reaches the amp and be fine, but I should have to when it was a feature of the amp. Other than that complaint i would recommend this amp. Infact I am considering the 4 channel version of this amp for component speakers.


  • Great looking amp and it has less footprint than the other amps I got before so it gives me more space. Setting it up was easy, and tuning it with all the controls and filters available did not make me sweat. What a great addition to have in my setup.


  • I'm loving it! The bass quality is top-notch compared to my last few amps. Only snag is the remote knobā€”it's giving me some trouble. Not a fan of that, but overall, still a great product from Harman.

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