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XS Power D3400

Item #56561
3300A Max Amps, 12V BCI Group 34 AGM Battery

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Product Reviews For XS Power D3400

  • Great customer and technical service !

    Kenneth Drayton

  • Very good purchase for the price.


  • Worked as expected. 10x better than a ordinary car battery. This thing is a monster in size though. I use it in my drag car and has plenty of amps to turn over my high horsepower motor quickly! Highly recommended


  • Great product at a amazing price

    Alex Z

  • Worked as expected. 10x better than a ordinary car battery. This thing is a monster in size though. I use it in my drag car and has plenty of amps to turn over my high horsepower motor quickly! Highly recommended


  • Truly a superior battery from XS Power! would definitely buy again. The guys also clearly explained what should I expect from this monster, which really convinced me

    Ray Gilbert

  • Perfect fit for my 2014 subaru wrx. I have custom wiring for my grounds and positive. It did however fit stock as well. I just turned the battery around used loctite on brass posts I ordered offline for these and hand tightened them. Doesn't move

    Christopher Roth

  • Just got this as an secondary battery for my almost 20-year old Buick. I'm also running a 1000 watt multi channel amp on my system, and really liking how it is performing so far. Pretty sure this can be a main battery with all its capacity, and we'll be trying it out next week.


  • This battery is a beast in my car setup! Got it installed, and the power it provides is insane. It keeps my 1200-watt amp running strong, and the reliability is top-notch.


  • Powerful! I’ve been trusting XS Power for years their batteries always deliver like the D3400


  • Excellent battery as an auxiliary. Love how it stabilizes the power supply on my audio setup. This is really a problem if you are going to go for power hungry audio components but with the help of secondary batteries like the D3400, then the problem can be solved.

    Mark Clint
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