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Kicker 48TRTP122

Item #78311
CompRT Series 12" 1000W Peak Power Handling 2 Ohms Shallow mount Subwoofer in a Thin Down Firing Enclosure with Passive Radiator

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Product Reviews For Kicker 48TRTP122

  • Lovin' the bass on this sub! Paired it up with a 500-watt amp, and it's punchy. It looks great aesthetically and takes up the least space in my Accord's trunk. Hits really hard for its size, and I'm totally impressed. Sound quality is great, and I don't gotta push the amp hard to make it sound powerful and big.


  • This sub hits harder than a severance package. For a slim woofer it hits exactly like it should with a good amp. It makes me a better dad and husband. My only grip is that I bought refurbished, assuming it was going to be back to factory specs. The sub is great but the box is fairly beat up. Mildly annoying but I don’t see it don’t really care. But still a bit annoying. Would buy again for price to value.


  • I've paired it with a Kicker mono amp and it really sounds great. it also doesn't take up too much space. I'm used to larger boxes which is why I really love this new design that Kicker is offering.

    Ross B.

  • I ordered the *refurbished* Kicker 48TRTP122. It arrived in like new condition a little more than a week later. I installed it in the trunk of a 2017 Toyota Prius (midsized hatchback). Connected it to a 1000+ watt RMS amp (600+ watts @ 2ohms). But only run the sub at 2-300 watts. I believe the ratings on this sub box to be accurate. There's a lot of output without a lot of power running to it. It does play down to 25hz nicely. It effortlessly plays louder than the factory mids and highs. I've got the mids and subs crossed over at 50hz and mixed to taste. The car's mids play down to 45hz. This Kicker sub box has added all the low end I want and can do much more than I want. I chose this sub and the amp for power efficiency and effectiveness without putting any strain on either. Mission accomplished.

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