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Boss Elite BE7ACP-C

Item #78604
2-DIN 7" Digital Multimedia Receiver with Bluetooth, Apple CarPlay, Android Auto, Spotify, Pandora, and Rear-View License Plate Camera

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Product Reviews For Boss Elite BE7ACP-C

  • The product comes with a receiver, backup camera, mic and wiring harness. Very affordable price for a receiver that has a lot of features that’s comparable to the likes of the receivers from Alpine, Kenwood and so on. Bought this to replace my stock radio and the difference was night and day.

    Jose D.

  • this is surely an excellent receiver with a free backup camera for the price. you can't get that from known brands, but thing works. has nice video quality and made my speakers sound good too.

    Leonard Ramos

  • Really a good deal for less than 250 bucks. Now i got a free backup camera with a head unit that has a huge display. Works with Android auto even, and it has a nice sound.


  • just found the perfect alternative. aside from that it's one of the cheapest Carplay receivers out there, it is also easy to use and is responsive. the camera is clear too, which is a plus. had some issues on how to dim the screen but it's no big deal. great option for the price and quality you'll get.

    Jody O.
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