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Power Acoustik CPAA-70D10F

Item #81894
2-DIN 10.6" HD Touchscreen DVD/CD Receiver with Wired Apple CarPlay™ & Android Auto™, RGB backlight, Bluetooth®

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Product Reviews For Power Acoustik CPAA-70D10F

  • Nice radio works for what I wanted it for and the big screen is very nice with backup camera. Overall I would recommend this radio I was nervous about it at first but I haven't had any problems out of it.


  • The stereo does the job and i have no complaints from it. Lots of features, massive screen, and very affordable for its price

    Harvey Anderson

  • Its Carplay works smooth, and its huge screen is very helpful for the cameras. However, its sound quality is really not that great which is why I can't give it a 5 star but overall great product for its value.


  • Unit will not keep any memory of settings. Must be set up almost every time it is turned on. Super annoying. It's going back and being replaced.

    Joe Volborth

  • Got this awesome stereo, and the first thing that got me attracted it that is has Apple CarPlay, and boy, it surely did not disappoint. Good sound, can plug my sub, nice other features like as well like split screen, EQ, and more.

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