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Alpine S2-A120M

Item #89420
S Series 1200W x 1 @2Ohms Class D Monoblock Subwoofer Amplifier

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Product Reviews For Alpine S2-A120M

  • wow! What an upgrade from my old Alpine amp! There’s so much power from this amp and the sound quality has never been better now that I have it installed in my car. Running my 12 inch sub and the bass is really crazy good with the amp.


  • Paired with two Alpine subs, everything is top notch with this amazing amp! From build quality to sound quality, its really one of the best choices out there. There’s so much power with the amp that I feel like I can still add another sub with my setup. However, I’m not trying to go deaf, so it won’t happen anytime soon haha


  • This amp is badass!!! Pushing one ten Alpine S2 and whoa!!!! Makes the back glass of my 07 mustang wave like water on some notes!!! Pretty impressive to me. Great job Alpine ??

    Jeremy wilson

  • This amp is powerful!!! Wether it be 12 or 10 inch subs this amp will get tha job done!!

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