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Kicker 46KMC4-Bundle

Item #91025
Kicker 46KMC4 Marine Media Center w/ Bluetooth + Kicker 48KMA1502 2-Channel Marine Amplifier + Kicker 42PSC652 6.5" Powersports Coaxial Speakers

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Product Reviews For Kicker 46KMC4-Bundle

  • As always Kicker products never cease to amaze me. I chose this kit for my 2024 Can Am Defender Max Limited as a base and I am completely impressed. It sounds amazing and the head unit is very easy to operate while navigating trails. The sound is crisp and clear like you would expect from Kicker. The amplifier has a small footprint and will fit just about anywhere. The speakers look and sound great. I plan on adding a second set of 6.5" speakers and amp as well as one or two of the Kicker 11HS8 hideway subwoofers. I have been a fan of Kicker products since the early days of the Solobaric. In my opinion, Kicker is one of the best. Looking forward to adding to my system.

    Jamie Kedzior
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