This head unit is straight up the best investment I ever made. First off, clarity, this screen is crystal clear. My friends have invested in pioneers and alpines for well over 1,000 and are absolutely amazed at the beautiful picture I get. Second, its easy to use. The sub outs, bass, mids, treble ipod hook ups everything is easy to use and so superior to any thing in its class. Look you probally dont want to read all of this. But, i assure you this is the best head unit available on the market for its buck and in general. Take my word I wouldn't trade it for anything. If you have a good system, you need a good head unit to bring it all together.
When i got this head unit i was expecting a basic tv just to plug in my xbox and play when i get bored. I wasn't expecting the awesome graphics. My brother has has a pioneer that he spent 900 on and turned out you can see each individual pixel in the screen. Saving the 100 bucks really did me well, and i also think it looks great in my Talon. The color blends in well with my interior. Great in dash tv for a great price.
I recieved my stereo yesterday and had it installed today,man this deck make my 1966 chevrolet caprice look real classy inside and the sound quality is amazing if you get this radio go with some infinity 6x9's 3-ways,and it was lovely doing business with online car stereo. THANKS THE SERVICE WAS GREAT
Awesome Product! The picture is amazing and the sound quality phenomenal! I could not be happier with this product! For me personally I have always had good luck with Clarion and will continue to buy their head units. For the money you can't beat it pure and simple! There are only a few small things I dont like about it. One being the protector case to put the detachable face plate. Must be a thing for Clarion my last one was junk too. The face plate is also kinda tricky to attach. Nothing big but just takes practice. The next thing I dont like is the fact there is not a read out on the face plate. When the monitor is down you have to use your ear to adjust the volume and it is not possible to adjust settings when the monitor is retracted. But like I said I love the product! The quality is too good and the features too many to ever let small things like this discourage my feelings about it! Another A product for Clarion!
a indash dvd makes the car a lot nicer and this is a great buy. im very impressed with it i know couple people with other brands that wish they would have got this one and it was half the price