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JL Audio TwK-88

Item #45960
8-Channel Analog and Digital Input/ 8-Channel. Analog Output

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Product Reviews For JL Audio TwK-88

  • Tried some DSP before like dayton audio dsp and dm608 from audio control and jlttwk 88 best one when i put this one on i dont have to do any settings its all up with good sounding


  • Good if it works. Had it professionally installed a one night the temperature dropped and battery was low. Apparently these have a known issue that if battery goes low, processor wont hold programming. Only had it for few months, and drove the car a few times. I wanted a refund for item, but apparently its only a factory warranty. Waste of money. Had to have professionally uninstalled and replaced with another brand from another company. Wasnt going to drive the car around for weeks waiting for repaired junk. Who wants something that doesnt work that good. I was a repeat customer, and not pleased with decision,


  • made my sound cleaner. it's easy to use. unfortunately, no mobile app, and it feels like a little bit expensive for it what it can do.

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