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Kenwood DMX1037S

Item #76752
2-DIN 10.1" Digital Multimedia Receiver with HD Capacitive Touch Screen, Apple CarPlay, Android Auto, SiriusXM Ready + iDatalink Maestro RR

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Product Reviews For Kenwood DMX1037S

  • Thought it'd be too big, but after install, it's great with the new console. If you want a big touchscreen radio, this is it. Dig the volume knob, android auto, and all that jazz. Still working on how to tune to the perfect bass level. Overall, this one's perfect, connects to CarPlay, just what I needed.


  • The wireless carplay helps a lot and its other features are true modern. The screen is very responsive and so clear, and its quite large too. Sound quality is great and the knob is quite helpful for adjustments.


  • Superb receiver! Its got some premium features that I never have tried before and I’m truly am digging it. Huge screen and is very responsive. Sound quality is on the next level, and the built-in amp has ample power to power up the stock speakers without any help from a separate amplifier. Bluetooth works fine, and the Apple CarPlay runs smoothly.


  • So excited for you guys hook it all up> Just got a few things i still need to get a few things to get for the whole system to get.

    Jeff McIntosh
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